"Marty! Marty! Get back in the Delorean! We've got to go back to the... Wait, who forgot the tachyon-proof car enamel?" At present, I'm in the process of permutating the protagonist. I've got about ten different screencaps of Harrison Ford, Karl Urban, et. al. as "sci-fi cops" spread out in a Photoshop file. The twist is, main dude is going to be an ex-cop turned social worker. Crucified by the department for backing out of a direct order, serving a sentence of 25-to-life dealing with druggies and deadbeats and doing paperwork.
The trenchcoat is an easy signifier but simultaneously worn our, threadbare. I'm thinking an office shirt gone mottled-brown with coffee-stains, wrinkles. Black tie. 5 oclock shadow. Salt and pepper colored hair. Slightly overweight. Suspenders, slacks.
Player Animations:
IDLE: Slouching a little. One hand in pocket? Arm constantly twitching. Sparking. Jittering. Randomly reaches up to choke him. He whacks it away. Smoking?
Karl Carbon. Age 32. Ex-Cop. Ex-husband. Ex-human.
Maybe Det Bullock from Gotham, after he gets hung out to dry.
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