Welcome to the Neofeud Press page. Here you should find any info you might need to post articles or get more informed about Neofeud. If you need any additional information posted to this page or would like anything provided in a different format, let us know and we’ll make it available.
Official Trailer:
Neofeud is a Dystopic Cyberpunk adventure game in the vein of Blade Runner, but with an overlay of Game of Thrones-like political intrigue, and 1366x768, hand-painted, stylized visuals.
- 15+ hours of gameplay.in an original dystopic sci-fi world and story
- Tricky yet satisfying, point-n-click detective work, interspersed with tense action shootouts.
- Handpainted, uber-gritty, noir futureland in 1366x768
Release Date
Released - March 25, 2017
-Windows, Linux at the moment. Working on Mac / iOS.
About Silver Spook Games
Silver Spook Games is a one-person-team consisting of Christian Miller, a Hawaiian writer, artist, and game developer with a passion for creating works of depth and relevance. Growing up Native Hawaiian in Honolulu, Hawaii, living in a slum area of paradise while going to an upscale private school, he experienced a somewhat 'postmodern' and dissonant existence of clashing cultures, peoples, and extreme inequality. Inspired by games like Fallout, System Shock, and films like Aliens, The Matrix, Bladerunner, District 9, and Elysium, he has gone on to write stories and create games in the tradition of dark, cautionary, and (hopefully) groundbreaking science fiction. Neofeud is an adventure-puzzle game, and a labor of passion, that aspires to be complex, compelling, and challenging.
Web Presence
Itch.io store: https://silverspook.itch.io/neofeud
Steam Greenlight page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894789880
Silver Spook Games site: http://silverspookgames.blogspot.com/p/home.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SilvrSpookGames
email: silverspookgames AT gmail.com
If you'd like to do a review, please let me know and I can get you a press copy.
Thank you very much!
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